2013 m. birželio 12 d., trečiadienis

Thick crepes with mushrooms and cheese baked in cream sauce

Everyone knows that French crepes are usually thin and called - crepes. However, French also bake and thick crepes, which are called "pannequets". Such is particularly suitable for molded cakes. These can be stuffed with sweet or savory fillings, and it may be oven fried. And that's what we did:
thick crepe with champignon and cheese
Thick crepes with champignon and cheese

What do you need:

1.For dough:
*600 g of flour;
*pinch of salt;
*3 eggs;
*400 ml of milk;
*400 ml of carbonated mineral water
*tablespoon oil;

*spoonful of sugar (if you eat sweet)
2. For filling:
*mushrooms (champignons)
*half teaspoon of asafetida powder (you can use garlic and onion instead)
*salt (if you need)

*dried basil
*dried oregano
3. For sauce
*sour cream

*dried basil
*cheese (a little bit)

1. Mix all dough products and in a hot pan bake thick crepes.
2. Heat oil and add asafetida, after a few seconds add mushrooms, cook, and poured out all the spices and fry for few minutes.
3. Mix sour cream with cream and dried basil.
4. Fill you crepes with mushrooms and cheese, put them in baking dish and cover them with sauce. Decorate it with dill and sliced tomatoes and bake in oven for 10-15minutes.
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